VIDEO Snooki teaches Matt Lauer all about the weenis

Snooki Halloween Las Vegas

Enlightenment does not come east to veteran morning news anchor Matt Lauer but when Snooki delivers wisdom even Lauer can gain knowledge and truth.  This fact was apparent as Snooki shared many things with The Today Show crew.  Lauer was a little high on his horse accusing Snooki of being primarily a drunk attention seeker but he was brought back down to Jersey when the little dynamo explained what a weenis is.

That’s right I said or at least typed the word weenis and I, like Lauer, was in the dark about this new word on the pop culture landscape.  Here’s the clip for those of use not aware of the name for something almost everyone has on their bodies:

For the official records according to scholar Snooki here is the definition.

Weenis – That part of your elbow which is like wrinkly.

It is clips like this that must keep Katie Couric up at night as she misses the hard hitting real news that IS Today.

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