
PHOTO New York’s Genesee Brewing Company made a giant Christmas tree out of beer kegs

Beer Tree Bree Teer

They’re not filled with beer, but it’s still a sight to see: Genesee Brewing Company, out of beautiful Rochester NY, has gone ahead and fashioned a gigantic Christmas tree out of empty beer kegs in front of its Brew House.

First, the statistics: The Beer Tree (or “Bree,” if you like) is 23 feet tall, contains 300 empty kegs, and is strung with approximately 600 feet of light–or between 500 and 550 feet more than you struggled to get up on your tree at home this year. It took 20 of the company’s employees to design and construct the tree, which is also topped with a rotating “Genesee Brewing” sign.

Though you really should stop calling it a “Bree”–you guys, stop it! seriously!–because the kegs are all empty. That’s right: it’s not a 27,000 pound, beer-filled Christmas tree, on top of all the other fun stuff. It’s just your run-of-the-mill empty keg tree, or “Kree,” whichis what the kids have taken to calling it.

The Kree will be disassembled, and its component kegs integrated back into the Genesee production line, after the holidays. The company just had a Kree-lighting ceremony, though, and you can check it out through New Year’s if you’re either in Western New York or are just looking for a fun thing to go do before Christmas.


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