PHOTO – Miley Cyrus shows off super small waist in “fiance jeans”

Miley cyrus super skinny waist

Miley Cyrus has been on a gluten-free diet, and working out lately like it’s her only job (maybe it is.) The result? Her body has really whittled away.

She was healthy to begin with, and while she doesn’t look unhealthy now, she’s a great deal tinier than she used to be.

Just to make sure everyone notices, she tweeted the above pic Friday with the caption “”My ‘Fiance’ jeans. but for real though.” Miley’s been engaged to Liam Hemsworth since early June.

For real that’s a tiny waist! Those abs are tight. On a side note, those don’t appear to be jeans.

Do you think she’s being healthy, or going to far with this weight loss? It’s starting to look like she’s taking this too far.

Miley was recently the the victim of a SWAT prank, which is a news trend, and is totally not cool, by the way. SWAT teams and police and emergency personal do not need to be wasting time on pranks. It’s also a serious crime.

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