PHOTO Celebrity Look-a-like FAIL Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova and her identical twin

Professional tennis player and all around hottie Maria Sharapova was in attendance at the T-Mobile and Ericsson Celebrate Halloween event held in Canoga Park, California. The highlight of the shindig was a Maria Sharapova look-a-like contest and the lucky young woman above was the winner.

Before I get flooded with emails, let me defend myself here. Look at that picture. Ummm…that’s really all I have.

I did some research and found out Maria is really, really tall. The blond Russian measures a towering 6 feet 2 inches, so the contest was sort of rigged to begin with. That being said, here is a photo of the other contestants that came up a little bit short:

Tennis star Maria Sharapova at a T-Mobile and Sony Ericsson Halloween event
Above Photos: Juan Rico / Fame Pictures

Note to self: “Never sponsor a look-a-like contest with a woman over six feet tall.”

Here are a couple gratuitous Maria Sharapova pictures. First up is Maria arriving at the 2007 ESPY awards in a black leather skirt and top:

Maria Sarapova arrives at the 2007 ESPY Awards
Above Photo: Juan Rico / Fame Pictures
Next is a photo of Maria doing what she does best – hitting a tennis ball really, really hard. Her looooooongness is clearly evident here – I think her legs are about five feet long!

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