
MUSIC REVIEW: Jason Castro’s debut self-titled album is a hummable delight

“When you need a little less, or you want a little more. That’s what I’m hear for.”

-Jason Castro

Click here to read the Starcasm.net exclusive Jason Castro interview!

Jason Castro’s debut, self-titled album is solid. It’s a hummable toe-tapper that takes you through the highs and lows of love with the playful, sunny quality of a spring breeze. It’s an album for anyone who’s ever felt the sweet, deep hope of love (“Let’s Just Fall in Love Again” “Closer” “That’s What I’m Here For”), but it also doesn’t shy away from the desperate storms of unrequited desire (“You Can Always Come Home” and “Hallelujah.”)

Castro entrancing tenor voice never completely takes you to the darkest wellsprings of the heart but he still flirts  more tortuous side of love. He belts out the Jeff Buckley-inspired cover of Leonard Cohen with a vocal strength and emotional power that’s only slightly less gripping than Buckley himself.

For someone who only discovered he could sing a few years ago, Castro’s voice is astoundingly rich and layered, and he’s managed to artfully combine some of the best elements of singer-songwriter-type-music with catchy pop tunes.

The resultt? An additively listenable ablum. This is the album you put in for a long country drive, or a quiet Saturday morning. They’re songs you’ll put on your mixtape to your crush/lover/ex. They’re songs you’ll find in your head while you pick out tomatoes at the supermarket. They’ll stay with you and put a smile in your heart.

Amazon.com has an exclusive version that features six extra songs. If you’re a Castro fan, splurge for that one.

If you want a trial spin before you decide, you can listen to the whole album one full time below:

Jason Castro – Jason Castro

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