
MUG SHOT Man arrested for meth lab wearing Breaking Bad Los Pollos Hermanos shirt

Breaking Bad Daniel Kowalski mug shot Los Pollos Hermanos shirt

Video games have long been blamed for inspiring criminal activity among America’s youth, but now we can apparently add critically acclaimed television shows to the list of bad influences — or should I say, Breaking Bad influences. 21-year-old Daniel Kowalski from a suburb of Chicago was arrested Monday after police found a meth lab in his home and he was booked wearing a Los Pollos Hermanos tshirt, the fictional restaurant that served as a meth lab front on AMC’s Breaking Bad.

According to a statement from the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, “officers found glass beakers, burners, chemicals, and instructional materials for making controlled substances. The lab was not active. Officers also found 12 jars of psychedelic mushrooms in the residence.”

Photos from inside Kowalski’s home:

Daniel Kowalski meth lab photo
Daniel Kowalski methamphetamine lab 1

Kowalski’s felony charges include two counts of possession of a controlled substance, possession of methamphetamine manufacturing materials, and possession of methamphetamine precursors. He also faces a misdemeanor count of possession of drug paraphernalia.

According to the statement, “two other men were located inside the residence during the home check on Monday. They were taken into custody and later released without charges.” (Anyone else getting a Pinkman vibe here and thinking Combo and Skinny Pete?)

Kowalski was arrested back in July of 2013 after police “found a suspected methamphetamine lab at his home at that time.” Here’s his mug shot photo from that arrest in which he wore a much less noteworthy shirt:

Daniel Kowalski mugshot July 2013

And in case you were impressed with Daniel’s taste in shirts (and not so much his meth lab stealth skills), and were wondering where you can buy a Los Pollos Hermanos t-shirt, just CLICK HERE.

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