
Model sues for $10 million after appearing naked on Dating Naked

Jessie Nizewitz Dating Naked VH1

A model who appeared on an episode of VH1’s Dating Naked is suing to the tune of $10 million for actually appearing naked during an episode.

During the 3rd episode of the first season, Jessie Nizewitz was fully exposed as the very busy editors who censor out all the nudity were negligent during one part and left her lady area untouched for the entire viewing world to see.

The 28-year-old told the New York Post that she was promised repeatedly by producers of the show that her private parts would be blurred out.

The moment in question involved Jessie and a naked dude she was naked dating engaged in a wrestling move on the beach. When she leaped on her clothes-lacking guy, Jessie came flipping around and there was no blur – just her – all of her. (To see an uncensored Jessie Nizewitz vagina photo, click here — it’s SFW with a link to the full vuh-Jess-Jess.)


When the show aired on July 31, folks instantly noticed the error and images of Jessie’s nether regions started circulating everywhere on the internet.

She said:

“I immediately started getting text messages. Everyone saw it. One of the messages read, ‘So your money shot is on cable TV.’ My grandma saw it. I saw her this week and she didn’t have much to say to me. She’s probably mad. My parents are just annoyed.”

The suit names Viacom, Firelight Entertainment and Lighthearted Entertainment.

Jessie added that the flub cost her a budding relationship with a guy she was dating, “He never called me again after the show aired. I would have hoped we could have had a long-term relationship. He was employed, Jewish, in his 30s and that’s pretty much ideal.”

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