
Michelle Pfeiffer was in a cult, encouraged to be a breatharian

Michelle Pfeiffer - Cult

Michelle Pfeiffer was unwittingly sucked into a cult while working as a young actress.

Now 55, Michelle told The Sunday Telegraph she was manipulated by a “very controlling” couple who siphoned money from her in the early 1980s.

“They worked with weights and put people on diets. Their thing was vegetarianism,” she said. “They were very controlling. I wasn’t living with them but I was there a lot and they were always telling me I needed to come more. I had to pay for all the time I was there, so it was financially very draining. They believed that people in their highest state were breatharian.”

Although Michelle now believes “nobody can adhere to” breatharianism, her teachers thought it was possible to obtain all necessary sustenance through air and sunlight.

Michelle was able to break away from the controlling group when she met her first husband, Peter Horton. At the time, Peter was working on a film about Moonies, cult followers of the Unification Church.

“We were talking with an ex-Moonie and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked… I was in one.”

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