LINKS! Selena Gomez’s nipples, Tom Cruise at the Mummy premiere, OITNB spoilers…
DLISTED – Inara from Firefly married James Gordon from Gotham, congrats to them!
REALITY TEA – Tinsley Mortiner had a super chill vacation in Mexico and the pictures will make you super jealous
JEZEBEL – The teacher who gave out the “Most Likely To Become A Terrorist” award just won Least Likely To Be Re-Employed As A Teacher Anytime Soon
CELEBITCHY – On the eve of James Comey’s republic-crumbling Senate testimony, enjoy these photographs of Barack Obama and Justin Trudeau having a good time at dinner together
THE BLEMISH – Is this man a hero or a fool for drunkenly confronting the London attackers last weekend?
VOX – “Normal New York City conversation” is the new “locker room talk”
LAINEY GOSSIP – Tom Cruise should have starred in a Dorian Gray remake
THE SUPERFICIAL – Selena Gomez’s nipples were at full strength during her date last night
UPROXX – This review of Orange Is The New Black Season 5 is thorough and contains spoilers, so tread lightly
(Photo credits: Selena Gomez’s nipples via Instagram)