LINKS! Kevin Hart’s blackmailer, Shailene Woodley’s forest TV, Russia revelations…

Kevin Hart's blackmailer 2

DLISTEDmother! was a box office dud and got a terrible Cinema Score from the people who did see it–were you one of them?

REALITY TEACary Deuber gives brainwashing claims the eye roll, agrees she’s basically divided the RHOD cast

CELEBITCHYShailene Woodley from Big Little Lies caused a bit of a stir by saying she can’t get good streaming service in her forest hollow

JEZEBELThe latest Fox News sexual harassment allegation involves a Fox analyst who says she was raped by a Fox anchor

THE BLEMISHKevin Hart pulled the rug out from under his blackmailer

VOXIf you’ve been following the Russia investigation like the high-quality trash TV it is, last night’s wiretapping revelations will get you all hot and bothered

VERY SMART BROTHASVote the Night King in 2020 (because at least before we all die we’ll get to see the final season of GoT)

THE SUPERFICIAL“Kylie Jenner Had A Fake Wedding. It Was Stupid.”

UPROXXLiam Hemsworth was almost Thor; adjust your fantasy accordingly

(Photo credits: Kevin Hart’s blackmailer via Instagram)


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