LINKS! Kevin Hart’s blackmailer, Shailene Woodley’s forest TV, Russia revelations…
DLISTED – mother! was a box office dud and got a terrible Cinema Score from the people who did see it–were you one of them?
REALITY TEA – Cary Deuber gives brainwashing claims the eye roll, agrees she’s basically divided the RHOD cast
CELEBITCHY – Shailene Woodley from Big Little Lies caused a bit of a stir by saying she can’t get good streaming service in her forest hollow
JEZEBEL – The latest Fox News sexual harassment allegation involves a Fox analyst who says she was raped by a Fox anchor
THE BLEMISH – Kevin Hart pulled the rug out from under his blackmailer
VOX – If you’ve been following the Russia investigation like the high-quality trash TV it is, last night’s wiretapping revelations will get you all hot and bothered
VERY SMART BROTHAS – Vote the Night King in 2020 (because at least before we all die we’ll get to see the final season of GoT)
THE SUPERFICIAL – “Kylie Jenner Had A Fake Wedding. It Was Stupid.”
UPROXX – Liam Hemsworth was almost Thor; adjust your fantasy accordingly
(Photo credits: Kevin Hart’s blackmailer via Instagram)