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Josh and Anna Duggar reveal the sex of baby No. 4, talk future baby plans

Josh and Anna Duggar Pregnant Baby No. 4

It will be another girl for 19 Kids and Counting‘s Josh and Anna Duggar!

“Girl, yay,” Anna said in a new video of them learning the new baby’s sex by biting into some mystery-center cupcakes. “The pink frosting says it all.”

Josh chimed in, “We’re having a girl. We’re really excited and we can’t wait.”

Before finding out the baby’s sex, the whole family was divided on whether they would be joined by a boy or a girl.

“Josh thought it was a boy, I thought it was a girl,” Anna explained to People. “Mackynzie wanted a girl, Michael wanted a boy.”

But, since learning the news, everyone seems to be excited.

“Mackynzie made a recording saying, ‘Hi, little sister, it is so great to meet you, you are already my best friend,'” Anna explained.

Even 3-year-old Michael said, “I am happy the baby is a girl.”

A photo posted by Josh Duggar (@joshduggar) on

Even though the new baby isn’t due until July, Josh and Anna are already looking ahead to expanding their family more — although they doubt they’ll ever rival his prolific parents.

“I’ve done the math, and there is no way we can have 20 kids that I can figure,” Josh, 26, said. “But the reason most people don’t have a large family is because they feel the financial pressures. It’s tough to have so many kids in today’s world… But one of the biggest blessings is to have kids and teach them to serve God and others and be the best they can be. You can have a career, and be famous and have lots of money, but that will fade. Children will be there.”

Unlike his younger sister Jessa Seewald, Josh said he and Anna don’t plan to adopt anytime soon.

“We’ve been married long enough,” Josh said. “We have talked about it, and we’ve discussed it with Jessa and Ben and Jill and Derick. But it’s not something we are planning right now… Every person has to make the decision for themselves and adoption is the loving option.”

A photo posted by Anna Duggar (@annaduggar) on

In the short-term, Josh and Anna are just busy trying to figure out a birth plan, which is a bit trickier because this is their first time having a baby since relocating to the Washington D.C. area.

“We definitely prefer a home birth, and we found a midwifery group who can deliver in the area. They also have a birthing center and we could go there. Josh and I would definitely like to take it one step at a time,” Anna, also 26, said. “We want to make sure the baby is developing normally, we want to make sure it is a safe situation, and we are really glad the birth center we have chosen has a great network of doctors. It has put our hearts at ease as parents.”

Josh added, “We have to learn to be on our own up here, being so far away. We are close in our hearts and get to see our family often and we are glad about that.”

The parents are also trying to mentally prepare for life with four little kids — but both said there’s nothing they’d rather do.

“It’s definitely busier the more you have. But it is a happy busy,” Anna said. “There is no better way to invest my life, my body and my time than to my children. They are a huge responsibility and a blessing. And all good things in life require work.”

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