
Is Texas prep basketball player Jerry Joseph (16) really Guerdwich Montimere (22)?

Montimere – seen at right    Photo: The Ft. Myers Fl. News Press

Looks like we have ourselves a case of mistaken identity or something like that.  USA Today has broken open a story that has folks in the Longhorn state scratching their heads.  A prep player (16) by the name of Jerry Joseph is being accused of being a former Florida McDonald’s All-American nominee by the name of Guerdwich Montimere (22), who played prep hoops at Dillard in Fort Lauderdale.

The person making these accusations is Montimere’s former prep coach Louis Vives who is absolutely certain that Finkel is Einhorn Joseph is Montimere.  How certain? Here’s what he had to say:

“It was shocking, and the question at hand was just why,” Vives said Wednesday. “When I approached him, I just wanted to know what was going on. The surprised look on his face gave it away that it was him. … Once he saw a Florida team and players and coaches who knew him, the look on his face was like, ‘Wow, what am I into now?’ “

Vives was in Little Rock for a tournament when a couple of his players stated that they recognized Joseph (or is it Montimere?).  The coach then confronted him to find out what was going on.  Vives had the vibes that something was not right.  He knew it wasn’t just Montimerely  a coincidence.  Maybe the kid should have taken MaSheen’s 101 course on disguises.

A Mrs. Zamarippa (not related to Kelly Rippa) with U.S. Customs stated that they have proof that Jones is not Montimere, but a Haitian in the country illegally.  This is not a good story for whoever this kid is.  In another twist in the “Guerwhich person are you fiasco” a coach at Highland Community College in Freeport, Ill stated that Montimere had enrolled for a brief period but that he was weak academically (wow this kid/man/who knows? is taking a beating) and didn’t play any games for the school.  After seeing photos of the two (one?) the coach said the two were one in the same.

Did you miss the Finkel is Einhorn reference?  Let me refresh your memory.  Laces out Dan!

I bet Jones or is it Montimere’s current High School coach is taking this just about as well.

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