LINKS! Is Leo getting married?, Ben Affleck’s dark place, How To Indict A President…

Is Leo getting married 1

DLISTEDIs Leonardo DiCaprio about to join the ranks of 2018’s unexpectedly engaged by proposing to his 21-year-old girlfriend?

CELEBITCHYNumerous reports claim that Ben Affleck “had been drinking alone for days” and “knew he needed help” before going to rehab last week, and that he and Jennifer Garner have started family counseling as well

VOXDo you ever find yourself staring off into space, wondering how to indict a sitting president? Here’s a handy dandy flow chart to guide you through the complex and potentially impossible but probably do-able process

THE BLASTThe official cause of death of Bethenny Frankel’s boyfriend Dennis Shields has been ruled “undetermined,” in part because the family had a religious objection to an autopsy

THE BLEMISH“Emily Ratajkowski is taking naked Polaroids like it’s 1986”

JEZEBELIf you’re at all interested in the semi-shady world of social media advertising, here’s a fascinating, borderline-essential look at how Instagram’s ubiquitous Flat Tummy Tea posts manage to skirt the site’s rule against before-and-after photos

REALITY TEAHere’s a photo gallery of Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars participants Brandi Glanville, Scheana Marie, and Kim Richards managing to keep it civil during the new season’s premiere in West Hollywood last night

PAJIBA“Ted Cruz is a person” is at this point both the nicest thing you can say about him and pretty much the only nice thing you can say about him

THE ASHLEY’S REALITY ROUNDUPThe Hills: New Beginnings star Audrina Patridge is getting into it with her ex-husband Corey Bohan, who’s refusing to allow their daughter Kirra to appear on the show with Audrina

LAINEY GOSSIPDid anyone else forget that Christina Aguilera put out two new singles and a brand-new album this year?

(Photo credits: Is Leo getting married via

John Sharp is a Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail at or send on Twitter at @john_starcasm.


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