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Hugh Hefner condemns Holly Madison’s memoir, says it isn’t truthful

Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison


It seems safe to say that Hugh Hefner will not be the first in line for tomorrow’s release of Holly Madison’s memoir, Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny.

In some excerpts released earlier this month, Holly claimed the Playboy founder offered her drugs and manipulated the women residing in his house, among other things.

“I realized I wasn’t treated well. I’m done being afraid of people. I don’t have any loyalty to Hef,” said the former Girls Next Door star. “I haven’t talked to him in four years, so there’s no reason to reach out now. Besides, it’s the truth.”

Responding to the Hugh Hefner and Holly Madison accusations, Hef told Us Weekly he’s sorry Holly is so bitter and suggested she’s making up stories to “stay in the spotlight.”


Over the course of my life I’ve had more than my fair share of romantic relationships with wonderful women. Many moved on to live happy, healthy, and productive lives, and I’m pleased to say remain dear friends today. Sadly, there are a few who have chosen to rewrite history in an attempt to stay in the spotlight. I guess, as the old saying goes: You can’t win ’em all!


After Holly called former housemate Kendra Wilkinson the “fakest person” in another excerpt, Bridget Marquardt, their third Girls Next Door co-star, said she sided with Holly.

“I like Holly and I’m friends with her,” Bridget told Radar Online, adding she doesn’t feel the same way about Kendra, whom she hasn’t “seen or talk[ed] to” in years. Meanwhile, Kendra’s maintained a close relationship with Hef since leaving the Playboy Mansion….So it seems to be two against two.

Down the Rabbit Hole is available tomorrow.

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