LINKS! Flynn spilled Trump’s tea, RIP Jael Strauss, Jon Gosselin Plus One…

Flynn spilled Trump's tea

VOXWe don’t know quite what he said, since most of the public documents are so heavily redacted they’re almost unreadable. But it sure looks like former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn spilled Trump’s tea for Robert Mueller, since Mueller is recommending no prison time for Flynn

THE ASHLEY’S REALITY ROUNDUPJael Strauss, who placed sixth overall on America’s Next Top Model Season 8, passed away from extremely aggressive breast cancer on Tuesday

THE BLEMISHJon Gosselin won custody of his son Collin by default after his ex-wife Kate was a no-show for their December 4th court date

LAINEY GOSSIPHere’s what’s going on in the endless sh!t show that is the British Royal Court and their feelings (dislike? distaste? it’s hard to say) on Dutchess of Sussex Meghan Markle

REALITY TEA“Brittany Cartwright Insists Jax Taylor Has Changed For The Better; They Want To Have Kids Right After They Get Married”

CELEBITCHYEveryone’s favorite Christmas litmus test “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is being banned from radio stations at a pretty steady clip, which has naturally led to a heated debate over whether the song is really as “date-rapey” as it seems

DLISTEDMichael Avenatti is not running for president in 2020

THE BLASTApparently the thing that’s holding up still-fired Megyn Kelly’s official exit from NBC is “specific language which bars her from saying anything at all” once she’s officially exited. In other words, NBC wants Kelly to keep quiet about the sexual harrassment claims against some of its personalities

JEZEBELIn “Yes, this really happened” news, HBO is going to make a movie about the 1983 Christmas season riots that ensued when retailers ran out of Cabbage Patch dolls

(Photo credits: Flynn spilled Trump’s tea via

John Sharp is a Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail at or send on Twitter at @john_starcasm.


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