FBI releases photos, video of Boston bombing suspects, asks public for help identifying them

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The FBI is asking for help identifying two men they have surveillance footage of that they believe are suspects in the horrific Boston Marathon bombing Monday.

Boston FBI agent Richard DesLauriers noted “Somebody out there knows these individuals as friends, neighbors, co-workers or family members of the suspects. Though it may be difficult, the nation is counting on those with information to come forward and provide it to us.” Go to the FBI website to download high resolution photos.

CBS correspondent John Mille explained that the FBI has other video “where they believe they actually have on tape one of the suspects in the white baseball cap putting the bomb down in front of the Starbucks at the second location. But reason they selected the pictures we’re seeing here is they wanted to find the pictures that didn’t have the most sinister activity but the pictures that gave people the best chance of recognizing them.”

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