Disney secretary Bonnie Hoxie and boyfriend Yonni Sebbag insider trading scandal

33-year-old secretary Bonnie Hoxie worked at Walt Disney Company’s California headquarters, but it wasn’t a magical kingdom for the office stiff. Bonnie had bigger dreams of shopping for Stella McCartney handbags and shoes at Neiman Marcus and when she got her hands on earnings report information that had not yet been released from her boss, head of corporate communications Zenia Mucha, she allegedly saw a perfect opportunity to live large!

Bonnie Hoxie
Disney secretary Bonnie Hoxie, accused of insider trading

Bonnie Hoxie gave the 107-page document titled “The Walt Disney Company Q2 Fiscal 2010 Key Topics Speaking Points” to her boyfriend, 29-year-old Yonni Sebbag, who shopped it out to over thirty hedge fund and capital managers using the name Jonathan Cyrus and an email account he created while at Kinko’s.

Sebbag was optimistic that his communications with the firms meant large sums of money would soon be rolling his way, and he exchanged emails with girlfriend Bonnie about which luxury items she wanted to buy with the loot. Meanwhile, the capital management firms contacted the FBI, whose agents posed as hedge fund managers and emailed Sebbag’s alias. “Jonathan” struck a deal with the federal agents, sending them the 107-page document three days before the official May 11 public release date.

Part of the information Sebbag and Hoxie were trying to sell was that Disney was planning to sell television network ABC, but was still negotiating with the price. Disney has issued a statement saying that the “complaint to conversations regarding the ABC Network were and are false.”

On the day of the public release, just hours before the information was released to the public, Yonni Sebbag also gave the undercover FBI agents a tip that the quarterly earnings price would be two cents above what market analysts predicted.

On May 14, Sebbag physically accepted $15,000 from FBI agents for the tips. He promised to share information in the future for a 30% profit share.

The Walt Disney stock rose 2.3% to $33.07 today after news broke that the conspiring couple were arrested in L.A. this morning.

Here are 25 Random Things Bonnie Hoxie posted about herself on Facebook in January of 2009. I do not know if this is before she started working at Disney or not. (I put numbers 8 and 10 in bold)

1.my favorite drink is champagne – i could drink it everyday

2. i cannot stand when cupboard doors do not stay shut – i am very ocd about it

3. i am one of the funniest people i know – and am constantly making myself laugh

4. i love my little sister Elizabeth so much it hurts

5. have a deathly fear or rats

6. go to movies by myself all the time

7. talk to my BFF Shannon practically everyday for at least an hour if not more

8. i love, love, love to shop

9. have been a vegetarian for about 8 years now??

10. will marry rich – extremely rich

11. already have the names of my future three children picked out

12. could gossip everyday – and usually do

13. have the most wonderful memories of my grandma hoxie – she is probably the great love of my life

14. love the smell of liliacs

15. am obcessed with eonline

16. only watch the oscars for the fashion

17.cannot, for hte life of me decorate my aparment – would rather spend my $ on shoes

18.believe that life is good – and make an attempt everyday to say thank you for all that i have – fam & friends…

19. will make a great mom – someday

20. think my dad is one of the funniest people i know

21. find certain people incapable of change

22. hardly sleep – i have never been a big sleeper

23. want a big farmhouse with a ton of animals – horses, dogs, cats, goats, sheep

24. love old movies – especially with my favorite actress Vivien Leigh

25. am addicted to facebook – just like the rest of the world..lol

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