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Chelsea Clinton had a baby



Chelsea Clinton is a mom. And Bill and Hillary? They’re now grandparents.

Chelsea and her husband Mark Mezvinsky welcomed their daughter Charlotte to the world very late last night.

And they announced her birth very briefly and lovingly on Chelsea’s Facebook page:


Marc and I are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter, Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky.


Just over 11 hours later, that post had received over 74,000 likes, and over 3,000 shares.

According to Clinton spokeswoman Kamyl Bazbaz, Charlotte was indeed born on Friday night. She did not provide further details, nor have the Clintons yet made a public statement.

Chelsea was out supporting her numerous causes as recently as this week, presenting at the annual Clinton Global Citizen Awards on Sunday.

No official baby photos yet, but keep your eyes peeled. Once they’re out there? We’ll hit you up.


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