Charlie Sheen porn star Kacey Jordan turns to prostitution to buy drugs on Drugs Inc

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Porn star Kacey Jordan witnessed the destructive party binge that sent Charlie Sheen into the headlines in 2011.

Since her days in the spotlight due to her association with Charlie Sheen’s meltdown, Kacey Jordan has seen her porn roles dry up, filed for bankruptcy, and is now deep in the throes of a powerful drug addiction. Her appearance on Drugs Inc last week shows her scoring an eight ball of coke–after being sober from coke for two-and-a-half weeks–in order to counteract her sadness over a her ninth miscarriage.

“I’m sick,” she says. “I’m just an addict….I’m just trying to escape from everything. I’ve just hurt so many people. I’ve been so selfish.”

When Jordan runs out of coke, she takes painkillers and drinks coffee to replace her drugged feeling. Things get even more desperate when she is filmed appearing to arrange a prostitution deal to continue to get drugs. “It’s just like my ultimate happiness something,” Jordan said, “and is obviously my biggest self destruction.”