CELEBRITY PROJECT FUNWAY Project Runway Episode Two ‘Pregnancy Chic’
Celebrity Project Funway is an exclusive feature of starcasm.net that I hope to be able to update weekly. Basically I take the winning and losing design for the week’s episode of Project Runway (plus one “bonus” design of my choosing) and “fit” them on a celebrity. I’ll offer up a little explanation for my choices and some commentary on the various outfits.
Please, feel free to offer your own comments about the designs as well as my choices for the celebrities to put in them!
Season Six Episode Two was the “Pregnancy Chic” challenge as contestants were asked to design an outfit for a pregnant Rebecca Romjin. Last week I started off with the winner so this week I thought I might flip flop things and start at the bottom and work my way up.

The bottom of the barrel for episode two included the Malvin Vien “Chicken Leggsling” and Mitchell Hall “Balloon Shorts.” I really thought it was “pack your bags” time for Mitchell. Not only was this week’s outfit poorly conceived and even more poorly constructed, but he basically sent a nude model in a sheer nightgown down the runway last week and only escaped elimination then because of Ari’s deflated futuristic soccer ball fiasco. I assumed it was “pack your bags” time for Mitchell. But no! Either Mitchell has relatives that work for Lifetime or else there was something I missed in the judging process because it was “auf Wiedersehen” for Malvin!
The judges had nice things to say about parts of Malvin’s outfit, only taking exception with the “baby sling” aspect. Their conclusion seemed to be that Malvin was so concerned with his “egg” concept for the dress that the end result wasn’t elegant or flattering. Though it didn’t seem like the right choice to me, I won’t miss Malvin’s hyperbolic view of his “completely unique” fashion style. Whenever I hear things like “there really aren’t any words to describe my style – it’s completely new and never seen before,” that’s when the yawns set in and I know I’m about to see the result of a desperately boring attempt to be different and shocking.
So, instead of having to decide what famous celebrity would get to wear Mitchell’s over-sized short-shorts disaster, I had to find someone worthy of the baby sling. Who could be more perfect than the most famous pregnant woman of the past decade? And if you’ve seen the photos you will have to agree that there isn’t an impregnated woman on the planet who needs a sling more than the Octomom herself, Nadya Suleman!

More Project Funway on PAGE TWO!