
Big Brother’s Britney Haynes’ infant daughter Tilly diagnosed with cancer

Some tragic news from the world of Big Brother as fan (and Starcasm) favorite Britney Haynes has revealed her infant daughter Tilly, born July 13, has been diagnosed with cancer. Keep reading for the initial announcement from Britney shared on Facebook and her follow-up thank you tweet to all the fans sending “thoughts, wishes, and prayers for my precious girl.”


Catching up with Britney Haynes of Big Brother

Big Brother is returning tonight with a whole new group of human-hamsters looking to win $500,000. We’ve got a model / bartender, a Cosmo bachelor / model, a model / Playmate of The Year among other eye-candy. In addition, CBS has announced that we also have 4 returning players as one of this season’s big twists! One of the possible vets as listed via CBS is none other than starcasm’s personal favorite Britney Haynes from Season 12. I’ve had my fair share of reality crushes including Danielle from American Pickers and Sonja Morgan from RHNYC but #1 is still the little lady from Arkansas with all the great comebacks. I just can’t get enough of Haynes her way. Catch up with the now married Britney (sigh) and find out where she currently calls home.

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Britney Haynes tweets advice for Big Brother 13 contestants

The real star from season 12 of Big Brother, Britney Haynes, is tweeting out advice for Season 13’s contestants. Hayden and his lovely Beatles mop may have took the bank but my southern belle stole my heart. Beautiful, witty, sharp as a Razorback’s tooth and shows well on camera, so how is Miss Haynes not a star yet? I digress, read her advice that includes the fact that you shouldn’t worry about condoms and check out the two brief promo clips for BB 13. Oh man, I’m gonna miss you Miss Britney!

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Big Brother’s Britney Haynes’ house has burned down and she doesn’t know it!

Britney Haynes’ lack of discussion about her hubby-to-be Nick Grisham has been one of the more awkward subplots from Season 12 of Big Brother. So how is Nick going to greet her tonight after the live vote for who wins the half-a mil? By telling her that he burned their house down by neglecting a grill. I don’t believe this is going to turn out well for our man Nick!

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Who is Big Brother 12’s Britney Haynes engaged to?

The southern beauty queen from Arkansas, Britney Haynes, is quickly becoming one of the most popular house guests for Season 12 of Big Brother. She has a deadly combination of looks and biting humor that in my opinion is going to lead her on to other television opportunities. In fact, of all of this season’s contestants I think that Britney has the most star potential. Her wit and delivery are great and she’s a natural in front of the camera.

So who’s the lucky man that is engaged to Britney? Well his name is Nick Grisham and he’s a Medical Technologist from Little Rock, Arkansas. See a photo of Brit and Nick together and hear an incredible interview in which Nick reveals how the whole experience is wearing on his last nerve!

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PHOTOS Big Brother 12’s Britney Haynes was a teen beauty pageant contestant

Britney Haynes is a 22-year-old hotel sales manager from Huntington, Arkansas. She also happens to be one of the house guests for season 12 of Big Brother that was announced today by CBS. See a lovely twitter account photo as well as Britney as a teen beauty pageant contestant. Bio info and even Miss Haynes learning New York City taxi etiquette included!