Big Brother’s Britney Haynes’ infant daughter Tilly diagnosed with cancer

Big Brother Britney Hayne Godwin pregnant

Some tragic news from the world of Big Brother as fan (and Starcasm) favorite Britney Haynes has revealed her infant daughter Tilly, born July 13, has been diagnosed with cancer. Britney, whose last name is now Godwin, and her husband Nathan “Ryan” Godwin received the bad news on September 1st, and she posted the following message on Facebook this weekend:

On September 1st, we were among the daily 720 sets of parents to be absolutely devastated with a Childhood Cancer diagnosis. September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Please take the time [to] pray for all these children, our sweet baby included. We appreciate each and every one.

Britney later confirmed the tragic news on Twitter with a beautiful photo of her daughter Tilly Elizabeth and this message:


Britney, Nathan and Tilly are certainly in our hearts and we hope CBS will share the news and possibly offer an official way to help Britney and Nathan with donations during tonight’s episode of Big Brother. Meanwhile, you can send your love and prayers to Britney and her family via Twitter: @britney_haynes

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