Carly Rae Jepsen in Candies’ Foundation teen pregnancy prevention campaign


Carly Rae Jepson may be 27, but her pop music reaches a much younger demographic. She’s using her influence over teens, and her position as the current face of Candies to participate in a Candies’ Foundation PSA to prevent teen pregnancy.

May 1st is National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy in the US, and May is Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.

The ad features a glamorous Miss Jepsen looking over her shoulder with the message “You’re supposed to be changing the world. . . not changing diapers” over a crib in the background. The ad says that over “750,000 teen girls will become pregnant this year. Change it! #noteenpreg.”

The foundation also has a infographic of facts including:

– Daughters of teen mothers are 3x as likely to become teen mothers themselves
– In the US, teen childbearing costs taxpayers $10.9 billion
– Sons of teen mothers are twice as likely to end up in prison

Teen pregnancy in the US has been on the decline for the past few years, but it is still at the highest rate in the world.

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