LINKS! Cardi B stole the Grammys, Grammy fashion roundup, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston renewed?…

Cardi B stole the Grammys 2

LAINEY GOSSIPIs anyone surprised that Cardi B stole the Grammys in terms of fashion if not entirely? Invasion of Privacy made her the first solo artist to win Best Rap Album, and her red carpet outfit somehow managed to channel Bjork and “The Birth of Venus”

DLISTEDHere’s the rest of the most worthwhile red carpet looks, including Kylie Jenner’s bizarre not-Michael-Jackson pink…thing, George Clinton looking remarkably restrained (for him), and A$AP Rocky wearing the outfit Kylie should have (among others)

CELEBITCHYGrammy Hot Takes Alert: “Michelle Obama was the best part of the Grammys. Alicia Keys was the worst part.”

THE BLASTBrad Pitt stopped by Jennifer Aniston’s 50th birthday party last weekend, nbd

VOXIs there anybody left out there who *doesn’t* believe that the government is going to shut down again in four more days?

THE BLEMISHIt was a pretty open secret that Bob Costas got fired from doing the Super Bowl last year for talking about how football leads to head injuries and brain trauma and he wouldn’t let his kids play, but now we have confirmation

JEZEBELVirginia governor Ralph Northam should maybe not…say…words? So much? Right now?

REALITY TEAAndy Cohen has been a father for like a week and he’s already getting dragged on social media; this time it’s for taking his newborn son on a plane for a cross-country flight

THE ASHLEY’S REALITY ROUNDUP“Johnny Bananas Says ‘The Challenge’ Newcomers Are Not Fit To Carry On The Franchise”

(Photo credit: Cardi B stole the Grammys via Jen Lowery /

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail or Twitter @john_starcasm.

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