
Bill Cosby files countersuit against underaged abuse claimmant

Wider Cos

After weeks of keeping silent while allegations mounted all around him, once-beloved comedian Bill Cosby has begun to speak out–at the courthouse, via his lawyer.

This week, Cosby filed a countersuit against Judy Huth, the 55-year-old woman who claimed that, while she was a teenager, Cosby took she and an underaged friend to a party at the Playboy Mansion, where he plied them with alcohol and drugs and molested them.

Huth’s lawsuit claims that she was 15 at the time, and that her friend was 16.

Cosby’s lawyer, Martin Singer, has called Huth’s claims a fabrication and dismissed her as an opportunist. Singer filed a lawsuit accusing Huth of extortion, claiming that she first asked for $100,000 to keep her from going public with her story, before raising the demand to $250,000.

Singer said Cosby now seeks $33,000 in damages from Huth.

As several news sources have pointed out, the most damning part of Cosby’s defense–indeed, the place whence that defense seems to unravel entirely–is Singer’s claim that a drinking game Huth alleges took place between she, Cosby, and the friend is “patently false,” because “it is well-known, and easily verifiable, that Mr. Cosby is a lifelong non-drinker.”

Which would mean that routines like this one are the work of a liar:



The alleged incident took place forty years ago, meaning that it is well-past California’s statute of limitations, and that criminal charges–in this case–are not forthcoming. However, Los Angeles Police Chief noted late this week that “We don’t turn people away because things are out of statute. You come to us, especially with a sexual allegation, we will work with you.”

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