BELOW DECK Caroline Bedol says Kate Chastain is an alcoholic, drags in Chrissy Teigen during 20-hour Twitter meltdown
On this week’s episode of Below Deck, third stew Caroline Bedol surprised viewers and her bosses when she revealed to the crew that she was quitting with just two days notice. Caroline explained to chief stew Kate Chastain and second stew Josiah Carter that she felt as though they “scapegoated” her before declaring that she is not one to “eat sh*t with a knife and fork and smile.”
Just before the episode aired, All About the Tea posted an article quoting a “ROCK solid” source who made some very startling claims about what transpired the day after Caroline put in her notice. According to their source, Caroline was fed up with “the bullying and toxic environment, and just refused to work.”
This reportedly infuriated Kate, who demanded that Caroline leave the ship immediately. “Caroline locked herself in her room,” the source says. “Kate and Josiah banged on her door non-stop for about 15 minutes — demanding that she pack her bags and leave immediately. They then blasted techno music from boom-box speakers at Caroline’s door.”
Kate then reportedly yelled through the door that Caroline was actually quitting due to a “herpes outbreak,” and Josiah allegedly responded by stating: “Oh my God! Gross!”
More from All About the Tea:
Kate continued to berate Caroline: “You disgusting sl*t. You are f**king wh*re! We hate you. Everyone here hates you DISEASED SL*T.”
“This will make your mom lose what is left of her mind,” Josiah was heard screaming.
Josiah’s alleged comment was in reference to Caroline’s mother, whose early onset dementia led to her being reported missing in 2013.
Three days after the episode aired, Caroline took to Twitter and began what amounts to a 20-hour Twitter tirade doubling down on the story reported by All About the Tea, in addition to hurling all sorts of allegations at Kate Chastain, Captain Lee Rosbach, Below Deck producers, Andy Cohen, and more! The marathon session did have a couple breaks lasting a few hours each time, but at least one of those was due in part to Caroline’s Twitter account being temporarily restricted.
Here are some of the bullet point highlights from her tweets:
• Caroline describes Kate Chastain as an “a textbook psychopath with a drinking problem.”
• Caroline says she is not a drinker and prefers marijuana before adding that “cocaine is Kate’s thing.” (This is not the first time a cast member has linked Kate to cocaine use.)
• Prior to being locked in her room with Kate and Josiah screaming at her from outside, Caroline says: “I came back to Josiah alone in my cabin throwing my clothes on the floor.”
• Caroline accuses Kate of narcissistic abuse and says other crew members (and even Andy Cohen) often act as her flying monkeys.
• Caroline insists that there is video footage to back up her claims, but show producers will not show it “in an effort to protect their queen.”
• Caroline says she has yet to receive an invitation to the Below Deck Reunion, but if she gets one, she will accept it.
• For some reason, Caroline insists on tagging @TvbyBravo instead of Bravo’s actual @BravoTV Twitter handle. @TvbyBravo is just a fan account with less than 1,500 followers.
UPDATE – Before we get to the tweet-a-thon, I wanted to let you know that Caroline called into Watch What Happens Live while Captain Lee Rosbach, Ross Inia, and Rhylee Gerber were guests. What’s amazing is that she catfished her way past the switchboard by claiming to be “Susie from Nebraska!” Click the link to watch the video, including the amazing reactions from everyone in the clubhouse!
Here are some select tweets from Caroline, starting with her dragging Chrissy Teigen into the fray by mistake. Chrissy snapped back and shut that down REAL QUICK, resulting in apologies from Caroline and an end to her marathon tweet-athon.
CHRISSY [On November 21]: @Kate_Chastain TOP NOTCH EPISODE TONIGHT KATE just spectacular, you make me so happy
CAROLINE: Is this a joke.
CHRISSY: girl don’t drag me into your sh*t here, I didn’t even say that for your last episode if you look at the date. loved the show, enjoyed watching you, but as someone who has had many crazy twitter moments, it looks like you are clearly becoming unhinged on here. breathe.
TWEET: Thank you, Chrissy! Caroline is completely losing her sh*t on Twitter. If people didn’t think she was a lunatic on the show, she’s sure taking care of that with her tweets!
CHRISSY: It’s easy to lose your sh*t on here. But it’s good to just step back sometimes.
CAROLINE: I lost ma sh*t. I am fighting the toughest fight ive known right now -I felt hurt. I feel alone. To see you praise Kate. It just made me sad and feel like no one will hear that what happened was so, so wrong. I need a chance. I’m just so alone. #BelowDeck
CAROLINE: Signing off (taking that break) All the best to you.
CHRISSY: It’s fine! All good. Sometimes it’s hard to deal with social media when it seems so big and people are coming at you because they think they know you. It’s an uphill battle here to defend yourself. You know you better than anyone. Screw the rest of the clutter.
CAROLINE: Sometimes all a girl needs is a little de-motivation from @chrissyteigen ?
We have compiled more of Caroline Bedol’s tweets, including parent tweets when necessary for context:
TWEET: These are very serious allegations. Do you know if Bravo will release any of the footage they didn’t show, regarding the psychological abuse? I was upset with you, Caroline, because I thought you lied to Cpt Lee, for him to think it was serious. So Bravo needs to show truth!
CAROLINE: Wait whoa haha, erm, you ask me about the validity of the article and call me a liar before I answer? That’s not how it works, silly! Chill the beat. Just have a chat with me. If you’re feeling angry and want to pick a fight, I’m not in the mood
TWEET: One thing I love about @bedolcaroline is you are 100% real. I’d definitely be stoned if I had to deal with all the negativity you get.
CAROLINE: Ha! Look I’m not a drinker, and cocaine is Kate’s thing. My thing is dank nug. We all have a thing. It’s okay. As long as you don’t partake WHILE WORKING A CHARTER.
Proof of disability discrimination. And theft. Photos of the crazy pills I munch all day so my brains don't go nutballs. #BelowDeck
— Caroline Bedol (@bedolcaroline) December 1, 2018
TWEET: Yes! I enjoyed you on the show! Empathy on the show. My Mom is fighting Alzheimers. I also know ppl are mean. I just think these boats are cesspools of blame so don’t think there is a winner here! Hope you can move on
CAROLINE: I can move on but I’d rather stand in my truth when someone calls me a victim. I am not. I was victimized. And I also mishandled myself more than once. But look, when they scream that you’re going to make your mom lose what’s LEFT of her mind…ouch. and NO.
CAROLINE: The WORST thing about this: @51minds and @TvbyBravo are who I alone am up against, alone. Two EMPIRES, in an effort to protect their queen, are withholding footage and metaphorically spitting not only in my face, but…Spitting in the faces of every fan of #BelowDeck
0 issue suppressing proof of harassment (contest this label, Nazis). I stay at my post until the end: I FIGHT FOR AMY, JEN, AND EVERYONE TARGETED & SACRIFICED.
I hope she’s watching. ?
TWEET: She doesn’t have to be well-liked. That’s not the issue. Besides, who cares about that?!? She was harassed, TicklesLopez. I would never have stood by & watched that. H/R would’ve been notified immediately in writing.
CAROLINE: Exactly. I’d be surprised if I was ever well-liked by most Twitter twits. Not my target demographic. BUT. There are intelligent people here. We are the minority. Intelligent people will always seem crazy to morons. Not my fight.
TWEET: I have been in workplace situations where I’ve jumped in to defend a coworker due to harassment. It is disturbing to witness & unjust. Just know that someone from NJ has UR back. I’ve worked alongside bullies such as Kate & I NEVER backed down. She’s MEAN & MISERABLE.
CAROLINE: I’ve fought way too hard and come too far in my life to let a textbook psychopath with a drinking problem like Kate Chastain bring me down. She’s already tripped and fallen into the ditch she was digging for my grave. They always end themselves.
TWEET: I do know they edit quite a bit. Which is why if there actually IS hidden footage, I would think they would want show it to make it more juicy & dramatic for the viewer.
CAROLINE: And I begged them to but listen: not like it matters now but the reason it isn’t shown: they want to protect their Golden goose. I mean, she’s toast anyway now but…they didn’t think I’d have the pu**y to tell everyone she was screaming about herpes, etc.
CAROLINE: 1. I went for cig
2. I came back to Josiah alone in my cabin throwing my clothes on the floor.
3. I thought, ?
4. I changed my mind about the two days.
5. I was told to stay in my cabin.
TWEET: Good to know.. I was wondering
CAROLINE: Don’t wonder anymore haha ASK! I will answer. I have time. I’m not Kate, busying herself with trying to hack into my Twitter.
TWEET: I agree. Why is the Captain now apologizing to her for asking about the accusations as well?
CAROLINE: It’s THIS, not the trolls, that break my heart. @capthlr KNOWS I didn’t lie. And if I did, why did I lie so unbelievably. HIS SIDING WITH KATE IS WHAT MAKES ME CRY. THIS IS WHAT I’VE BEEN WORKING TO HEAL FROM.
CAROLINE: I personally can confirm the account by @AllAboutDaTea to be shockingly 100% truth. Kinda “wondering” who the EFF…just kidding we all know who did. It was absolutely the most shocking thing that I’ve experienced in my 34 years.
CAROLINE: You know what the BIGGEST injustice is here? THERE IS FOOTAGE to confirm MY/THE Truth, and it will never be seen because THEY ARE PROTECTING THEIR GOLDEN GOOSE, KATE CHASTAIN. It’s f**king repulsive.
CAROLINE: Yeah. Hi @andy [Cohen] I’m a fellow JEW/POTHEAD/DEADHEAD TERRAPIN STATION IS MY FAV SONG TOO. I MADE YOU A BOWL OUT OF A SHOFAR. you invite psychopath and her flying monkey on the show. And make “Caroline,” the drinking-word of the night. #BelowDeck
TWEET: Kate should have had stuff set up
CAROLINE: She was drunk with J the whole time. They kept mouthwash under the sink in the upstairs stew pantry. THEY DRANK EVERY NIGHT AND @51Minds and @TvbyBravo know. They literally said: don’t bother mentioning this in interviews bc THEY WON’T USE IT
TWEET: Could never tell that Josiah was drunk, but Kate slurs her words in every scene and every talking head interview. Also she has the face of an alcoholic.
CAROLINE: She is an alcoholic. It’s no secret. It’s dangerous. It’s sad. @radar_online will now write another journalistic gem: “CAROLINE EXPOSES KATE.” NAH. IVE NEVER MET OR SPOKEN TO THE OTHERS WHO HAVE CLAIMED THE SAME. ALSO…Roll the footage! ?
CAROLINE: AT LEAST 20 PEOPLE onboard, between cast, crew & production. They ALL KNEW (k&j screaming in voices designed to be heard in the wheelhouse). WATCHING/LISTENING/SAT 3FT AWAY IN MESS… AS I BEGGED INTO MIC, FOR SOMEONE… ANYONE… TO HELP ME.
CAROLINE: #BelowDeck I was ostracized and isolated to LOSE MY SENSE OF PERCEPTION…..THEY ME TO MY FACE YET LET ME REPEATEDLY OVERHEAR THEM HATE….I was left to question my own f**king sanity! ??
CAROLINE: Captain Lee was so kind to me. He saw that I was going to LOSE IT and in a dad voice he soothingly told me, “hey, HEY. ITS OK. EVERYONE IS OK. ITS OK. NO WORRIES.” TRUTHFULLY during the season he was my Cappy. We were pals. He ALWAYS had my back.
CAROLINE: @NatashaThatcher our exchange has helped me understand why Captain’s failure to stand up for me was so painful. He was so kind to me, he HAD MY BACK. I felt betrayed. I just wanted him to acknowledge that what happened was so, so SO NOT OK. Ty.
TWEET: Yes, wearing your heart on your sleeve can be a weakness in a number of environments.
CAROLINE: A weakness in ALL environments: a superior who sees her employee struggling and laughs, throwing sh*t onto a sh*t pile that’s already got too much sh*t in it. In this analogy, yes, I’M the pile o’ sh*t.
1. @TvbyBravo still unsure of my invite is as solid as the actual footage.
2. The only person ever not invited to a reunion was a rapist.
3. I'm not a rapist.
4. I'm a threat to Kate Chastain and bravo.
5. Either way the truth will be proven.#BelowDeck— Caroline Bedol (@bedolcaroline) December 1, 2018
CAROLINE: HERE’S WHAT: I now realize I must, and WILL accept the #BelowDeck reunion invite with @Andy if it is extended. To remain in my Truth, this is necessary. Any and all former statements retracted, this is where I will remain on the issue.
UPDATE – Caroline has since responded to our post, and Kate Chastain seems to have offered up her response to Caroline’s twitter tirade as well as Chrissy Teigen’s intervention:
Lashed out/refused to be silenced….whatever you want to call it, I'm owning it proudly (save Chrissy exchange, but she is lovely, and gracefully accepted my apology). Make a mistake? Own it. That's the only appropriate course of action. #BelowDeck
— Caroline Bedol (@bedolcaroline) December 2, 2018
Ty for this feature. I'm honestly just…. grateful. Ty . ?
— Caroline Bedol (@bedolcaroline) December 2, 2018
Well that escalated quickly #BelowDeck
— Kate Chastain (@Kate_Chastain) December 1, 2018
@chrissyteigen take the wheel
— Kate Chastain (@Kate_Chastain) December 1, 2018
Out of respect for the fragility of people suffering from mental health issues, some questions have to be carefully answered.
— Kate Chastain (@Kate_Chastain) December 2, 2018
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)