ARTPOP: Lady Gaga’s new album and tattoo

Lady Gaga has announced the title of her new album, and it sounds exciting. It’s called ARTPOP (you HAVE to capitalize the whole thing, according to LG.)

Why is this exciting? It’s kind of simplistic and obvious, but it’s the essence of what Lady Gaga is. She’s a pretty educated, intelligent lady with a flair for shock value who churns out art for the masses.


In capitals.

Gaga is also promising “films” for every track on the album, not just the singles. Is she attempting to break Katy Perry’s record? Do it Gaga!

We have no idea what the rest of the album sounds like, but in late June Lady Gaga debuted a new ballad in Australia called “Princess Die.”

“This song is a little bit sad. And it’s in no way reflective of the rest of music on the album, but it’s about some of the most deep and personal thoughts I’ve ever had.”

What does ARTPOP mean, besides the obivous?

#1. It’s a nod to pop artist Andy Warhol, who Lady Gaga (and most pop stars) owes a great deal to. Lady Gaga’s even more than obsessed with him. She has an alter ego called “Candy Warhol,” and even reportedly feels like she is “visited” by the dead artist. It may not be a coincidence that Andy Warhol’s birthday was today.

#2. It’s an acronym for a Little Monsterism: Artistic Revolution Through the Potential of Pop

Gaga’s also about to make her acting debut in Robert Rodriguez’s upcoming Machete sequel Machete Kills ARTPOP is due out early 2013.

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