5-year-old Milania Giudice receives litany of hateful comments after Bravo Facebook post
The Real Housewives of New Jersey certainly creates a combative atmosphere with viewers of the show impassioned by their feelings of the stars. Sadly, these passions spilled over into the realm of ridiculous pettiness and immaturity as numerous adults trashed 5-year-old Milania Giudice following a post via Bravo’s official Facebook page.
If you’re not familiar with Milania, here’s a video featuring 10 memorable moments of Teresa’s daughter:
The folks over at Jezebel caught this prime example of how internet comment threads can quickly go downhill before the post in question was pulled, and rightfully so. On Monday someone with the network posted a pic of Milania and asked to share if followers had missed seeing her in the recent episode. What happened instead was a tidal wave of hateful comments aimed directly at a 5-year-old.
What really surprises is that these comments were not under the shroud of anonymous-comment-trolling as they were via Facebook and attached directly to Facebook accounts. These were grown adults proud to share vicious thoughts about a child.
Here are some examples of what was written about Milania.
• “there is nothing cute about her, she is ugly inside and out. she has the worst mother and father there ever is.”
• “Now thats one little girl I would love to put over my knees and whip the sh!t out of!
This next one comes from a mother who apparently had a child the approximate age of Milania:
• “Oh and…yeah the girl’s ugly as a toad and does not have one ounce of cuteness from he coarse hair that has been flattened to her rough voice. No, no, make her go a way to her grandma is sicily or something.”
And here are some more:
• “I think she needs a brow wax!”
• “whats wrong with her legs!lol”
• “The ugly little evil abusive strange looking troll..she has to be the schools’ bully.”
• “I never thought I would say this in my LIFETIME, but I absolutely HATE this little girl!!! BIGGEST BRAT ON BRAVO!!!!!”
All of this is a direct reflection on what putting your children on TV, especially in a reality show setting can mean. If you hit the link for the Jezebel post (above) they identified and linked to the “adults” in question who made the referenced comments.