16 & Pregnant Selena out of jail, reunited with daughter Dareli; family’s feud with dad Sean escalates
16 and Pregnant mom Selena Gutierrez is out of jail after she was arrested Monday in the wake of an altercation with her daughter’s father, Sean. According to posts on social media, Selena’s brother Ricky and her mother Michelle took a flight from Colorado to Arizona to help with Selena’s release.
“She is out!” Selena’s sister Shakira captioned a screen shot of a live video of Selena’s release streamed by her brother. “She just needs to go get her baby girl now, but he ran off with her!!! I hate him so much,” Shakira added in reference to Sean.
Selena herself shared a couple of text updates on Instagram after her release. “I’m okay,” she wrote over top of an interior photo of a hotel room. “I’m out and my baby is okay. Thank you everyone for supporting me. Y’all don’t understand how thankful I am. Everything that happened in the last 24 hrs I wish on no one!!!!”
In a separate post, Selena shared an assurance with her followers: “And know I will fight for my daughter and kill for her!!!! This is all for you baby girl.”
In a later Instagram live update, Ricky revealed that Selena was released into her mother’s custody due to being a juvenile. At the time of Ricky’s live, Selena had been reunited with her daughter, Dareli. “She’s just working things out with Sean right now,” Ricky said. That elicited some concerned comments about Selena being back with Sean.
“She’s doing what she has to,” Ricky pointed out. “Despite any sh*t that has happened…they’re going to be family for the rest of their lives.”
Despite the fact that they will be family, that doesn’t mean Selena and Sean will be together as a couple. “I think that they’re realizing they’re not healthy for each other,” Ricky added.
Ricky’s live stream was rather calm, but the exchanges between Selena’s family and Sean on social media earlier in the day were anything but calm as they went back and forth hurling horrible accusations at one another.
Sean posted a photo of Dareli in his Instagram stories and wrote over it: “And no, I will not let my daughter go back into a molestational household where there is multiple cases of people being touched and raped in that house. If y’all knew half the sh*t I knew y’all wouldn’t support Selena’s family, but I won’t expose them just yet. ”
Ricky was not impressed with Sean’s accusations. “Omg… you really have nothing better to say to defend yourself,” Ricky wrote along with a re-post of Sean’s comment. “Molesting in a household? Grow tf up!!! That’s disgusting…. Who can even use that as an argument… Wow. I’m grossed the f*** out.”
Ricky was only beginning. More responses from him spread out over multiple Instagram posts:
Records are public.
Please tell us if these so called “molestation” cases. Smfh. Good thing doctors can test and proof. Your drugs can’t. Smfh drug test your high ass.
Literally using lies to make yourself oook [sp] good? NOOONE already f***ing likes your lowlife lame ass self. You show who you are to the world! Everyone sees what trash you are. F***ing using false accusations to cover your ass? Helllll no! I’m so grossed tf out!!!
And first off… didn’t you and mommy and your sister have to flee and hide from family? Because your IMMEDIATE family did that exact thing to you.?? Tell the whole truth “little boy” your family sh*t doesn’t smell any better. Difference between us. Your happened. Our didn’t. Smfh how sad.
Selena’s sister, Shakira, was a little less averse to including details with her response to Sean. “His uncles raped him & his sister so he has to think our family is just like his??? He’s MISERABLE. Get checked back in to the mental hospital boy
#16andPregnant mom Selena Gutierrez was reportedly arrested Monday after an altercation with her boyfriend Sean over their daughter, Dareli. Selena's family is FURIOUS, and they have not been holding back with their responses on social media! https://t.co/EIeLZTc04n
— Starcasm (@starcasm) May 18, 2021
Sean also shared a lengthy recap of his side of things. Like a lot of his posts, Sean’s message was accompanied by a photo of lots of bundled bills for some reason.
Here’s an easier-to-read transcript with a few periods added:
Time to clean the air for these weirdos saying I hit Selena. I sent those videos to her family because they didn’t believe nun that’s as going on. Yeah I may have pushed her back but if y’all fans knew anything ab mine n Selena’s relationship that’s common .. Until she broke that little line we’d already broke she punched my in my face .. 15k has gone into my mouth. I will not tolerate that from anyone.
Yes the cops showed up. Yes they took Selena because she was the aggressor. Me and the baby are okay and will be okay. Stop talking down on my name I’ll really show out to you weirdos. To the people that have no idea wtf I’m talkin bout good. Ion promote this weirdness. Only getting money.
Here is Ricky’s reply, which included a reference to Sean’s previous posturing about “bullet holes in your door” when talking to a member of Selena’s family:
Literally posting pictures of dirty ass money in your daughters hands!!! You surround yourself with thugs, drug dealers. And drug addicts and think my niece is in good hands? Your mom is f***ing dieing and can’t even care for herself! Grow tf up!!and guns! Threatening to shoot me? In front of a child? your gross as f***.
Probably due to Selena being a minor, we still haven’t managed to track down any official information on her arrest or pending court case.
Ricky said in his most recent live stream that Selena will be going to court in Arizona for the assault charge, but she intends to move back with her family in Colorado. I can’t imagine she will do that without having full custody of her daughter, and that doesn’t sound like something Sean is currently willing to negotiate on. I suppose we will all have to just wait and see how that plays out.
Meanwhile, join the conversation about Selena and Sean over on Instagram:
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com