VIDEO You’ve been dispensing Tic Tacs wrong, or at least I have.

So you’re out on Friday night and that one friend who has the best ride is also the person who happens to still enjoy Tic Tacs. You click open the lid, shake it up, begrudgingly get a couple out as twice as many spill on the passenger-side floor board.

You’re unfazed because that’s just how those little plastic containers work. But what if you were wrong, what if you could bust a Tic Tac move so sweet that the backseat rider you have a crush on will be forced to take notice of how YOU might be the most interesting person in the world?

Internet, you are a giver – and once again we thank you. This clip comes to us courtesy of FoodBeast:

I know what you’re thinking, “Who wants just one measly Tic Tac. Well I do if I can look that freaking cool whilst dispensing it!

So there you have it, there’s a groove in that there lid custom-made to cradle you a sweet, sweet Tic Tac. If this hasn’t melted your brain wait until you find out about the misuse of ketchup that has been going on forever. FoodBeast – you are awesome!