
VIDEO Katy Perry’s inspiring performance with Jodi DiPiazza

Katy Perry and Jodi DiPiazza on stage at 'Night Of Too Many Stars'

On Sunday night, a group of the most talented comedians and musicians gathered in support of autism programs, schools, and services for Comedy Central’s Night Of Too Many Stars benefit at The Beacon Theater in New York City. One of them was Katy Perry. In an emotional musical collaboration, she teamed up with Jodi DiPiazza, who suffers from autism.

Before their song, a video was shown chronicling Jodi’s battle with autism. Viewers saw the stress, the anxiety, and the aggression caused by the disorder along with her parent’s desperation to help her get through what they were told was a life sentence. Luckily for Jodi, she was placed in a school that was designed specifically for children also suffering. In addition she received at-home treatment.

Katy Perry and Jodi DiPiazza attend 'Night Of Too Many Stars'

Jodi did her best to pull through the disorder and not let it hold her back. She pursued her musical talents and excelled on the piano. Her parents, who didn’t even think she’d ever be able to form a full sentence, now believe that there is no limits to what she can accomplish.

During Sunday’s show, Jodi put her musical talents on display when she teamed up with Katy to sing her hit “Firework.” Not only did Jodi play the piano, she also sang, leaving the audience on the verge of tears. It was a beautiful and inspirational moment of triumph and persistence.

One person who was deeply touched by the girl’s amazing story was Katy herself. “I will never forget last night. It was the most important moment thus far of what I do,” Katy tweeted after the performance. To see it all go down, watch the clip below (and grab a few tissues, just in case!) The song performance begins at the 2:57 mark:

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