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VIDEO: I think this Glee stuff might be getting out of hand!

Lets just call this Glee meets lip dub meets Martin Scorsese.  Now what did I say?  Let me explain what a lip dub is first.  This is a good definition from Wikipedia:

A lip dub is a type of video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video. It is made by filming individuals or a group of people lip synching while listening to a song or any recorded audio then dubbing over it in post editing with the original audio of the song.

Where the Glee part comes in is that the videos you are about to see come from Bloomingdale High School in Brandon, Florida.  Now the Scorsese part, these two videos are recorded in one continuous flowing shot, a visual process made famous by Martin Scorsese (reference that scene where the Goodfellas walk through the restaurant).  First up is the student body, who I have to say look like the happiest bunch of high school kids in America. 

There wasn’t any of this kind of happy going on when I went to high school but then again my high school didn’t even have windows (blogger issues):

Man that looked like a big bunch of fun to make.  Well the faculty of Bloomingdale High School were not to be outdone as they bring it with the 80’s Twisted Sister classic “We’re Not Gonna Take It”.  Put on your awkward math teacher dancing goggles now:

Well I guess teachers are still complaining about the same things they did back when I was in high school, minus the cell phones of course.  I don’t know this could be kind of dangerous because the goth kids and various outsiders at Bloomingdale have to be beside themselves with this over the top in your face gleefulness.  If those kids would have went skipping by me in high school one of them might have had a little fall.  I’m just saying.

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