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VIDEO Homeless man Ted Williams has best radio voice in America

Columbus Ohio homeless man Ted Williams

Ted Williams is a homeless man from Columbus, Ohio who just so happens to have the best radio voice in America. It’s just the 4th day of January but I’ve got a feeling that this might become one of the top 10 most watched videos of 2011. Check it out!

If this wasn’t posted by a legitimate news source I wouldn’t have believed my eyes or more importantly my ears. A special thanks goes out to the Columbus Dispatch for filing this video report. Incredible!

Here is the sign that Mr. Williams holds while asking for help.

Columbus Ohio homeless man Ted Williams' sign

It reads:

“I have a God given gift of voice, I’m an ex-radio announcer who has fallen on hard times. PLEASE! any help will be greatfully appreciated. Thank you and God bless you. Happy Holidays.”

I’m as cynical as the next guy but I’m going to do double takes now when I read the signs from those in my community who are less fortunate than I am.  Here’s one more image or Ted and his sign.  I wish him luck knowing that whatever led him to homelessness couldn’t possibly kick as much ass as his voice.

Columbus Ohio homeless man Ted Williams' sign about his radio voice

Thanks to Starcasm reader Eric H. for the tip!

UPDATE – Ted Williams has been hired by the Cleveland Cavaliers of the NBA, and countless other offers from the likes of MTV, the NFL, and more! See there, the internet can do good things! CLICK here to see Ted’s cleaned up interview with The Early Show.

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