VIDEOS from the Wytheville post office hostage standoff

Wytheville Virginia Post Office Hostage picture

UPDATE: WDBJ is reporting “Three hostages were released moments ago according to state police.”

Here is a video report from the streets of Wytheville, Virginia where a man reportedly walked into the post office with some sort of firearm and five pounds of C-4 explosives strapped to a wheelchair. Shots have been fired according to witnesses, but there are no reported injuries so far.

It’s a great 8-minute report from WDBJ in Virginia that includes footage from the scene and interviews with local authorities:

(Give the player a moment to load – for some reason their embedded player loads last.)

And another report from WSLS out of Roanoke, VA:

Amazing video from various angles, including a view into the post office:

There are also multiple sources reporting that there are grenades and possibly more explosives in the man’s vehicle, which is a red Dodge pickup with no license plate and a Marine Corps bumper sticker. A blogger from the area was listening to the police scanner and says, “A while later dispatch said they received a call from an employee inside the building via a cell phone that the doors to the post office were ‘wired’ with explosives.”

It’s a very dangerous situation and local and federal authorities as well as the local hospital is prepared for a long and drawn out showdown.

More great coverage with more photos at WDBJ.

There are a couple of “on location” reporting videos at as well.

Also, is doing a great job of covering the events locally. Make sure you read the comments for first hand accounts from locals with relatives currently being held hostage, who have reportedly been allowed to use their cell phones to call out numerous times.

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