
VIDEO Adele does her best Nicki Minaj for carpool karaoke


Adele certainly didn’t disappoint the millions of viewers who’ve checked out her teaser clip for last night’s carpool karaoke ride with Late Late Show host James Corden.

The full segment featured the 27-year-old belting her way through not only some of her hits, but some by the Spice Girls, and a pretty epic turn at Nicki Minaj’s “Monster.” (I wonder if this means Farrah Abraham’s daughter won’t be watching?)

Of the Spice Girls, Adele said, “It was a huge moment in my life when they came out. Girlpower–five ordinary girls who did really well and got out. And I wanted to get out.”

To check out the Minajification of Adele skip to the 10:28 mark (it’s worth it):

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