
Very pregnant Samantha Burke getting ready to publish baby pictures and tell-all Jude Law article [Newest Photos]



Jude Law’s baby mama is ready to get paid! Here she is sucking on Frappucinos and shopping in Penscacola, FL Wednesday, gearing up for her Jude Law Baby Sex Details Tour ’09. With all that makeup she’s looking a little Delta-Burkish.

Baby Sophia is due on the scene the very same day Jude Law takes the stage as Hamlet on broadway, October 6. Samantha Burke is coordinated! This stuff doesn’t happen by coincidence!

As soon as little Sophia takes a few breaths and gets dried off, photographers will be waiting in the wings to take glamour shots to be sold to the highest bidder. Her lawyers are already shopping around for potential buyers of a Samantha Burke combo deal: Baby photos of Sophia and a tell-all dish about Samantha’s five second affair with the star of Alfie.

A source told the New York Post that Samantha’s been offered upwards of $200,000 for her story, and she won’t hold back about how “unchivalrous” Jude has acted towards her. Law is offering financial support for the baby, but he allegedly turned off his phone and couldn’t be reached after he hooked up with Samantha for a hot minute. Tragedy of tragedies: a hot, rich actor has unprotected sex with you, then cuts off ties and you end up pregnant and alone with nothing but your generous child support payments and bucket loads of interview money to keep you company. Oh, and your baby. Some women might call that heartbreak, but the practical ones (including Samantha Burke) call that a meal ticket. A meal ticket that has lobster , plastic surgery, and McMansions on the menu. 

Carrie Glass

See Jude Law’s baby Sophia here.

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