Snooki’s new look, old look: Blue eyes
Snooki Polizzi, who is a great force on this earth than we could have ever imaged, now has blue eyes, and it looks a little vampiric (in her words.)
She tweeted the above photo sporting new, shocking blue contacts, commenting “I look like a vampire.”
She later followed up with this photo, at dinner, with her contacts, new extensions, frosty pink lipstick, and the ever-present trout pout:
This actually isn’t the first time Snooks has worn blue contacts. In her very first promo shot for Jersey Shore, the go-to one that everyone used before she started becoming more photographed than Paris Hilton, featured Snooki with blue peepers:
Snooki’s got a lot of pots in the fire, with another novel coming out next year, a slipper line, and probably a million other projects.
What do you think, do you did Snooki’s new eye color?