SEEKING SISTER WIFE Ariadne launches GoFundMe for Christeline and her daughters

Seeking Sister Wife Christeline GoFundMe after leaving the Snowdens

Seeking Sister Wife star Christeline Petersen is reportedly in hiding with her two daughters after she left her estranged sister wife Ashley Snowden and estranged husband Dimitri Snowden amidst allegations of abuse against them both.

She and her daughters came to the United States from South Africa last year, and they are reportedly having a very difficult time while in hiding. Fortunately for Christeline, an actual sisterhood is forming between other former wives of the Snowdens, and they are working together to promote a GoFundMe campaign in hopes of getting Christeline and her daughters some much needed financial assistance.

Outspoken former sister wife Ariadne Joseph looks to be spear-heading the campaign, which currently has a goal of $10,000.

“I’ve recently become acquainted with this beautiful soul and she could really use our help,” Ariadne writes in the campaign description. “Christeline Peterson and her two daughters are in dire need of clothing and other essentials and supplies as they have few possessions with them where they are at. After having endured severe domestic abuse at the hands of her Husband, she is now in hiding and fears for her life. I know money is tight for many during this time but if we each chip in a little it will make a huge difference. 100% of the funds raised (minus Gofundme’s fee) will go towards getting Christeline back on her feet and stabilized here in the States until she can transition back home to South Africa. Any amount helps! Thank you and God Bless.”

Christeline’s sister wife on the current season of Seeking Sister Wife, Tayler Middleton, shared the campaign on her Instagram and penned this supportive message:

Thank you @ariadne_joseph for organizing this fundraiser for our Sister! Thank you @vanessacobbs for being such an amazing light in all of our lives, not sure how we could stay sane with out the two of you!

Chrissy! I told you back in 2019 when we first met that you would be my Sis for life NO MATTER WHAT!!! Back then, we had no idea what life would turn into but I am so glad that we didn’t have to go through that dark hole alone.

For days after leaving I felt sick to my stomach, not knowing where you and I stood, if you and the girls were ok! 🥺

I thank God for keeping you alive in that house and for bringing you back into my life!!

I can not wait to see you and the girls again! I love you and miss you dearly!

Never forget: You have two very heavenly angels constantly watching over you and helping to answer all of your prayers!! You and your girls are covered and protected always! 😇😇

After all this pain there will be sunshine, happiness and joy for you again!🥰😘

We ALL love you and are supporting you from all over the world! 🌍🤗

#SW4L #gofundme #supportChrissy #supportChrissy! Support her girls! Let’s help her out her life back together ❤️✨

And here is the message from Seeking Sister Wife Season 2 star Vanessa Cobbs, who was also married to the Snowdens only to run away later:

If you’re able to, please take a moment to help support Christeline and her daughters. ⁣⁣
Chrissy is such a beautiful, kind, gentle soul and deserves nothing but love, peace, and happiness. ⁣⁣
All funds raised will go directly to Chrissy and her children ❤️⁣⁣

Thank you for organizing, @ariadne_joseph! 💜

At the time of this post, the relatively new campaign has already raised $2,565.

UPDATE – As of June 7, the campaign has raised $8,316.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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