
SEEKING SISTER WIFE Ashley Snowden asks for donations for godmother’s new salon

Seeking Sister Wife Ashley Snowden asking for donations for her godmother's salon

Ashley Snowden is going from seeking a sister wife to seeking donations. The Seeking Sister Wife star recently took to Instagram to share the inspirational story of her godmother Jewel, who survived Stage IV Leukemia after being diagnosed seven years ago. Jewel recently opened a wellness salon in Jacksonville, Florida, and Ashley was hoping that her “social media tribe” could help her godmother out with financial donations.

The salon is called Houlihan Gerson Aesthetics and it opened its doors earlier this month. “However, the hours are currently limited as she needs a little more support,” Ashley explained. “My prayer is that my social media tribe can step in and uplift her. No amount is too small & is greatly appreciated! I included handles to Venmo, Cash App, and PayPal in the pics.”

Here are the photos with the information on where you can send donations:

Seeking Sister Wife Ashley Snowden godmother salon donations

Ashley previously shared the post on her Facebook page, and Jewel’s salon responded:

We at Houlihan Gerson Aesthetics LLC appreciate you all taking the time to read this like and comment. Life is very busy and moments are precious. This we know. The fact that you took the time to read, like, or comment here. Shows your kind and gracious hearts. We send forth blessings to those who were able donate. To those who wanted to donate but for whatever reason were unable to. Also to those who decided not to donate. Paying it forward is what we do at Houlihan Gerson Aesthetics and we love doing so. For as we are blessed. We bless others. We believe that to whom much is given. Much is required. So the more we receive. The more we give. That way blessings abound for us all. We would love to be a part of your skin care and relaxation regimen. If you are too far away. Like our page so that you may be able to keep in touch with us going forward. We will keep you posted on our mission to heal mind, body, and spirit. Again thank you and bless you. Each and every single one. #HGA ??????✨✨✨???

A Facebook commenter suggested that Jewel launch a GoFundMe campaign. “Thanks for your input,” Ashley replied. “There have been other ways she’s tried to get the support (such as a crowdfund option), which haven’t done her much good. Therefore, I’ve provided three different platforms that most people use these days. I’d say that’s pretty easy. It’s really down to whether people want to donate or not. Also, because my Madrina is older, it’s easier for funds to go directly to her business account, and not to have to wait until the end of campaign to receive them.”

Another commenter said she would be willing to donate, and the salon’s page revealed that they would be putting up a plaque to recognize all those who provided financial support. “We will have a plaque made with all the names of our donors. To be placed on the wall in out treatment room. So everyone knows who helped to make Houlihan Gerson Aesthetics possible.”

If you’d like to support Jewel’s salon by visiting in person and partaking in their many services, they are located at 9961 San Jose Blvd Suite #405 in Jacksonville, Florida. “Please call ahead to be sure she is open,” Ashley cautions, “and tell her Ashley Snowden sent you!”

To read Ashley’s post in its entirety, just click the photo at the top of this page to zoom in.

On a side note, I’d like to wish Ashley a happy 33rd birthday! Her husband Dimitri recognized Ashley’s “33rd revolution around the sun” on Instagram earlier today and announced that he will be surprising her with a trip to Dubai!

Meanwhile, Ashley honored her special day by cleansing her Instagram account of content and then making a brand new post that included recent photos of herself. She also shared this message:

I’ve died many deaths to get here. But from the ashes, a Phoenix arises. My new chapter begins at 33 ✨

“Love taught me to die with dignity that I might come forth anew in splendor. Born once of flesh, then again of fire, I was reborn a third time to the sound of my name humming haikus in heaven’s mouth.”

Aberjhani, The River of Winged Dreams

#birthdaybehavior #solarreturn christconsciousness #thepowerof3

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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