
PHOTOS, VIDEO Sarah Silverman brought boobs, liquid pot to the Emmy awards

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Comedian Sarah Silverman came away from the Emmys with the trophy for Outstanding Writing in a Variety Series, for her HBO special Sarah Silverman: We Are Miracles.

But it’s what she left the viewing audience with that’s more likely to resonate.

Silverman also won the slightly-more-informal award for Most Impressive Cleavage thanks to her super-low-cut green gown. It was a departure from Silverman’s generally modest dress (and demure décolletage).


 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards Press Room


Of course, this being Sarah Silverman, the trophy and neckline weren’t the only thing that brought her attention. Here she is on the red carpet “Clutch Cam” with E! host Giuliana Rancic, showing off the contents of her purse. Some of which are a marijuana e-cigarette.



“I’ve got my phone, pot and gum,” Silverman said, summarizing a TV star’s to-do list. “I don’t drink, I’m a light weight, but I’ll have a puff here and there and at the Governor’s Ball [the official after party], what have you.”

Of course, if she was high, she hid it well. Here she is racing to the stage on fleet feet to collect the Emmy she won in an upset:



And most entertaining of all was the back-and-forth between Silverman and the clearly-outclassed Rancic, who, as the Sydney Morning Herald put it, had begun to look like a deer in the headlights by the end of their three-minute exchange:

Silverman: “Why do you put the microphone in front of me, you didn’t say a question. You’re just like ‘Hey, you’re dressed like a nominee.'”
Rancic: “I don’t get paid enough to ask questions, OK? I just put a microphone there and expect you to do the work.”
Silverman: “Ah, look at my boobs. This is the higher one.”
Rancic: “No listen, here, look this way. Your boobs are very perfect. Who are you wearing?”
Silverman: “I’m wearing Marni, the character from Girls. Marni with an ‘i….Obviously, you don’t know fashion.”

Silverman’s most recent project had her playing a lesbian lover on Showtime’s Masters of Sex.


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