RHOSLC Lisa Barlow’s son Jack graduated high school! PHOTOS

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City center snowflake Lisa Barlow officially has a high school graduate!

See adorable pics from Jack Barlow’s graduation here, and Lisa’s touching tribute to her first born son…


The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is currently gearing up for season 4. Since it’s debut in 2020, RHOSLC has quickly become a fan favorite franchise.

Centered around the core cast of Meredith Marks, Heather Gay, Whitney Rose, Jen Shah, and center snowflake Lisa Barlow, the series has ran for three seasons and has already had SO much drama.

Cast member Jen Shah is currently in jail after pleading guilty to wire fraud, a storyline no one saw coming. Most recently Heather and Whitney were featured on Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip 3 which filmed in Thailand.

Lisa Barlow and family

Lisa Barlow is a breakaway star from the cast, featuring both her family life and her growing number of business ventures in the Salt Lake City area.

“The Queen of Sundance,” Barlow is the owner of VIDA Tequila, as well as a new alcohol line, Blue Jay brand agave seltzers. She is also the founder of the marketing company LUXE.

Even though she’s balancing multiple businesses, Lisa is ultimately a family-woman. Married to business partner John Barlow, the couple shares two sons, Jack and Henry.

Jack Barlow graduates

Lisa Barlow can check another achievement off her list: she’s now the mother of a high school graduate!

Jack Barlow graduated this week with the class of 2023 from Corner Canyon High School, a public school located in Draper, Utah. It is the newest high school in the Canyons School District.

Surrounded by a large crew of friends, Barlow celebrated his achievement and walked across the stage to get his diploma. Afterwards he was joined by family, including little brother Henry.

In a touching tribute on Instagram, Lisa shared the following message:

@_jackbarlow__ This major milestone is done. I’m so glad I was blessed to be your mom. You are everything beautiful in this world. You are the absolute best older brother. Most thoughtful son and my whole sunshine. I’ve been in awe of you since the day you were mine. You are so confident in being you and this journey you are going on will for sure impact the lives of others. I love you beyond. You will always have my complete heart. #cchs

Fresh Wolf

While we aren’t sure of Jack’s plans after high school, we do know that he has already followed in his mom’s footsteps by starting his own brand.

Featured on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Fresh Wolf is a luxury male grooming brand with a heart – with every purchase a donation is made to help children in the foster care system.

Congrats to Lisa, Jack and the entire Barlow crew! We can’t wait to see where life takes you next…

Ashley Marie is a writer for Starcasm and the personality behind Twitter’s @RealityByAshley. You can contact Ashley via Twitter or email at realitybyashley(at)gmail.com

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