RHONJ: What’s up with Lauren Manzo’s liquid egg whites only diet? Is it healthy?
On Real Housewives of New Jersey star Caroline Manzo’s daughter Lauren Manzo is on what sounds like a freaky diet. A few episodes ago we see Caroline and Lauren visit Dr. Perricone, who tells Lauren that all she can eat is liquid egg whites mixed with either berries or chocolate powder. What to the whaaaaa?
Is this supposed to be healthy?
It turns out that this diet, developed by Dr. Perricone, is a little more involved that just a serving of raw egg whites every day with a little flavor. Not much more, but more than what was presented on the show.
It’s called The Metabolic Diet Plan, it’s based around Dr. Perricone’s “Metabolic Formula dietary supplement” and this is what you do:
The Metabolic Diet PlanBreakfast
Puree 1/3 cup of blueberries, raspberries or mixed berries of your choice in a blender or mix 1 teaspoon of non-Dutched processed cocoa with stevia and a little hot water. Blend thoroughly until smooth.
Add 1 teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil to either the berries or the cocoa and blend until smooth.
Add 6-8 ounces of liquid egg white and stir. Do not blend, as this will make the drink too foamy.
Take one packet of the Metabolic Formula dietary supplementLunch
Puree 1/3 cup of blueberries, raspberries or mixed berries of your choice in a blender or mix 1 teaspoon of non-Dutched processed cocoa with stevia and a little hot water. Blend thoroughly until smooth.
Add 1 teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil to either the berries or the cocoa and blend until smooth.
Add 6-8 ounces of liquid egg white and stir. Do not blend, as this will make the drink too foamy.
Take one packet of the Metabolic Formula dietary supplement.Dinner
Prepare and eat the following:
Six ounces of grilled salmon
Two (2) ounces of cooked lentils
Watercress salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice or vinegar
One (1) cup of steamed broccoli
Take one packet of the Metabolic Formula dietary supplement.*Drink eight 8-ounces of fresh spring water throughout the day.
Allow yourself 3-4 ounce serving of the meal drink as a snack if you become hungry or feel low on energy.
From what was presented on the show, the diet didn’t seem to be sustainable at all, but the full diet, while a bit unappetizing and fulfilling at least allows for one meal of “real food.” Lauren calls it an “anorexic diet” but if this is the plan she’s following, that label doesn’t sound accurate.
Even if it isn’t exactly “anorexic,” it’s still probably makes you feel like you’re starving sometimes. Needless to say this diet turns Lauren into a Miss Grumpypants Esq. on camera (Note to self: If you ever try a crash diet, do so when your reality show in on hiatus.) She constantly complains about how her brothers don’t have to lose weight, and how no one cares if they gain weight and at one point in her delirious state, demands to be rich. It’s a little annoying, but understandable under the circumstances.
We’re not sure who kind of results Lauren achieved, but she’s still hoping to lose some pounds. Yesterday she tweeted “Lol I wanna look like a lollipop- i still do.”
Take it slow Lauren! Real weight loss is slow and steady, and relies on lifestyle changes, not a quick fix.
Would you try the liquid egg white Metabolic Diet Plan?
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