LINKS! R. Kelly’s CBS interview, Kylie’s not self-made, Ketamine goes mainstream…

R. Kelly's CBS interview

JEZEBELR. Kelly’s CBS interview was a meltdown to make the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings look like Currier & Ives

CELEBITCHYKylie Jenner is Marie Antoinette-in-waiting for America’s nascent populist upheaval

VOXIf you’re like me and had no idea what Special K was beyond a breakfast cereal, Russian Doll makes a lot more sense now

THE BLASTThe same ex-nanny who accused former Southern Charm star Thomas Ravenel of sexual misconduct is now accusing Kathryn Dennis of drinking while pregnant

LAINEY GOSSIPTaylor Swift is using Jameela Jamil from The Good Place in her war of pettiness against the Kardashians. However, while Tahani is too vain to keep from falling for it, Jameela is very much not

THE ASHLEY’S REALITY ROUNDUP‘The Challenge’ Fans Start Petition Asking MTV to Take Action After Cast Members Discuss Alleged Assault of Amanda Garcia During “War of the Worlds”

THE BLEMISHHalle Berry now has a full-length back tattoo of what looks like…the leaves of an ash tree?

REALITY TEARyan Serhant and Emilia Bechrakis from Million Dollar Listing New York just welcomed their first child into the world, congrats!

DLISTEDMad About You was a pretty big hit during its 90s heyday and 90s nostalgia is all the rage right now, so I’m honestly surprised that every major network passed on the show’s reboot

(Photo credit: R. Kelly’s CBS interview via CBS News)

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail or Twitter @john_starcasm.


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