PHOTOS Wait, what? Rachel Zoe is 9 months pregnant

Rachel Zoe Pregnant

Just two months after announcing she is expecting her second child with husband Rodger Berman, Rachel Zoe is set to give birth.

“I mean, I’m literally nine months pregnant so this I think will probably be one of my last outings,” Rachel, 42, told Us Weekly during an event on Nov. 9. “I’m going into hibernation!”

If Rachel hadn’t said anything about it, no one would have guessed she’s so far along! The slender stylist only has a slight bump — similar to when she was expecting Skyler.

Rachel Zoe Pregnant - 9 Months - Rodger Berman
^ Rachel and Rodger on Nov. 9.

In the final days before becoming a family of four, Rachel’s concentrating on spending time with Skyler and explaining to him what it means to be a big brother.

“He gets it that there is a baby inside me. It’s taken a while to get him there, but he is getting there.”

Although The Rachel Zoe Project star hasn’t publicly confirmed the sex of her second baby, pictures from her Nov. 10 baby shower led many to believe she’s expecting a second son: There were blue napkins and balloons that spelled out “B-O-Y.”

Rachel Zoe Baby Shower

One big thing that’s left to do before the baby comes home? Set up the nursery!

“(I’m) a little superstitious,” Rachel said about doing too much before the baby’s arrival. She has, however, begun plotting the outfit she’ll wear to the hospital. “I really am actually! You try to stay as chic as long as you can.”

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