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PHOTOS Gypsy Sisters’ Lottie Mae Stanley as a young woman

Mellie Stanley's mom Lottie Mae Stanley

The stars of TLC’s drama-packed reality series Gypsy Sisters are not newcomers to the small screen as most of them appeared previously on the network’s popular My Big Fat America Gypsy Wedding). However, one of the cast members’ TV resume doesn’t include MBFAGW. It does include another reality show appearance of sorts in 2003… on America’s Most Wanted!

Yes, I’m talking about Mellie and Nettie’s mom, Lottie Mae Stanley. Lottie was featured on the premiere season of Gypsy Sisters after being released from prison, where she served nine years for a bank fraud conviction in 2004.

Find out all about the events leading up to Lottie Mae Stanley’s arrest and conviction, including a number of mug shots, here!

Lottie’s freedom has caused quite a bit of drama on the show as Mellie and Nettie try to adjust to having their mother back in their lives after almost a decade apart.

Getting out has also meant a lot of adjusting for Lottie, including getting caught up with technology, which of course means having a Facebook page! That’s right, Lottie Mae Stanley is on Facebook, and she has shared two photos of herself from prior to her incarceration. Above (and below) we see Lottie Mae looking confident to say the least as she lounges in a brown leather chair. Some fans have left comments pointing out the resemblance to Mellie Stanley in the picture.

Here’s the full, uncropped photo:

Gypsy Sisters Mellie and Nettie's mother Lottie Mae Stanley

In addition to that photo, Lottie also shared this next family photo:

Old Gypsy Sisters family photo with Lottie Mae and Nettie Stanley

We spoke with Nettie and she helped us identify everyone in the photo. Lottie Mae Stanley (pregnant) is sitting, and behind her is cousin Chrissy (Shyann’s mom). To Chrissy’s left is Patty (Nettie and Mellie’s oldest sister). That’s Nettie there in the tank top, and beside her is her brother Henry. The two children in the bottom left of the photo are Nettie and Mellie’s brother William and sister Tanya.

Stay tuned, we are currently working on a very basic Gypsy Sisters family tree to help fans better understand exactly how everyone is related.

Gypsy Sisters airs on TLC Sunday nights at 9/8c.

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