
PHOTOS The “Fleshl!ght Launchpad,” a sex toy you can attach to your iPad, is now a thing

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The sex toy company Fleshl!ght (Sorry, we have to edit the name) has upped the ante for goofy gadgetry with its Launchpad: a custom-molded iPad case that has a mount for its Fleshl!ght product. The end result is that you can now masturbate with no hands. (Kind of.)

How does the thing work? Well, the photos the company’s has released are pretty self-explanatory, even as its press release is delightfully vague:


Its durable, yet flexible material allows you to safely and easily insert, secure, and remove your tablet. Once fitted snugly in place, it will maintain its position during use while allowing full access to touch-screen functionality and exposing the onboard controls, like volume and power.



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And reviewers of the product are raving like teenage boys. Says Moneyshots magazine, “I get out my Launch Pad whenever my wife goes out of town. Now I wish she’d leave more often[;] this thing is amazing!” And noted porn review site All4Girls gives it two thumbs way up, stating, “The grips on the LaunchPAD make it easy to thrust into the Fleshl!ght rather than stroking. It takes masturbating to a whole new level.”

It’s yet another penetrating innovation from one of the visionaries of the field. And, according to the company, female clients will soon get their comeuppance: The d!ldo-mounted TorchTHRUST should be available for pre-order later this year, just in time for a holly jolly Christmas rollout.


(Photo credits: Fleshl!ght)

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