PHOTOS 2010 New York City Christmas themed store window displays

It’s that time of year again! That time of year when the Michelangelos and Picassos of retail display descend upon Fifth Avenue and Madison Avenue in downtown New York City and create their temporary masterpieces and energize the sense of wonder of thousands of Big Apple holiday shoppers!

The art form has evolved over the decades from idyllic Norman Rockwell vignettes to elaborate Tim Burton meets Joseph Cornell alternate realities that take surreality and sprinkle in just a pinch of Noel resulting in smiles and wide-eyed wonder from children and adults alike.

Here is a collection of the class of 2010 with everything ranging from Lady Gaga riding a quilted Pegasus to a reptilian underwater celestial world to a disturbing array of male and female celebrity chefs in various states of glutinous caricature. I don’t know about you, but I’m beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Photos: Photos Inc 2010/ Barneys and Red Carpet Pictures

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