Orange Is The New Black Season 2 animated gif character posters for Lorna, Sophia, Nicky, Alex and Big Boo
Fans of Orange Is The New Black are in the process of stockpiling supplies for the marathon binge session that begins June 6 when the show returns to Netflix for its second season. But, as the countdown to the OITNB-athon marches on, Netflix continues to share some wonderfully fun teasers for the upcoming season. First we had the preview trailer, and now we have a series of normal (and animated!) character posters for five of the seemingly innumerable fan favorites from the best ensemble cast on television – or the internet – or whatever!
Each of the posters features a character creatively taking advantage of the supplies available to them behind bars to achieve things considered “everyday” on the outside.
To kick things off we have Piper Chapman’s former (current? future?) love interest Alex Vause, played by Laura Prepon, who gives us a lesson in eye makeup courtesy of a Sharpie marker — a.k.a. Prisoner Maybelline:
Next up is wild-haired former junkie Nicky Nichols, played by Natasha Lyonne, who demonstrates the art of dental hygiene using a screw driver:
For those hopeless romantics out there we have eternally hopeful (and “committed”) romantic Lorna Morello, played by Yael Stone, who continues to prepare for her big day with tp wedding veil and flowers:
Litchfield hair maven Sophia Burset, played by Laverne Cox, combs her wig spaghetti-style with a serious “fork you” attitude:
Our last character poster is of the incomparably butchy and big-hearted Big Boo, played by Lea DeLaria, who shows us how certain types of scrub brushes are great for getting those hard-to-reach places:
(Sadly, I was unable to track down an animated character poster for Big Boo, which of course gets a big “Booooooooooooo!!!” from me!)
I assume there will be more Orange Is The New Black characters posters coming soon (C’mon Pennsatucky and Crazy Eyes!!!) so stay tuned!