
Octomom Nadya Suleman has a crush on Jon Gosselin, thinks he’s hot


Nadya Suleman must have gotten the shakes from going so long without paparazzi and interviews, so she ventured out into the wild world with her brood Sunday (October 18) to pose for pictures and give interviews. Just when I was starting to like her because she wasn’t a Gosselin, she had to bring them into this in the worst way.

In between stops to the park and Toys ‘R Us, Octomom told Radaronline that she’s got the hots for Jon Gosselin. Her exact words: “I kind of have a crush on Jon Gosselin. I think he’s hot.” Barf. This is solid evidence that Nadya Suleman is certifiably insane, forget the irresponsibly reproducing 14 times in 6 years without any support or money. Feeling sexy about Jon Gosselin is also a sign that you’ve contracted swine flu, so someone should really get her to a hospital stat. Remember to get your vaccine!

Octomom also had kind words about Kate Gosselin: “I feel for her.  I wish everyone would leave her alone. I’m sure she trusts herself and trusts that she’s strong enough to handle it.” She also said she’s glad that Kate Plus 8 is ending because it’s “exploitative” and not “healthy” for the kids. Oddly enough, that’s not stopping Suleman from filming her own reality show.

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