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Mob Wives Drita D’avanzo trashes husband Lee on Facebook

Love em’ or hate em’ the Mob Wives tell it straight. The season reunion coming up this Sunday following the throw down between Drita D’avanzo and Karen Gravano should be a good one.

If you’re a fan of the show you know the rooftop brawl was all about Drita’s husband Lee who used to date Karen before they hooked up. During that finale what had Drita’s blood really boiling was the fact she discovered Lee was unfaithful via a chance encounter at a salon. One of the employee’s knew Drita’s daughter’s name even though Drita had never taken her there before. After a little call back to the salon she discovered that Lee had been with one of the stylists and that he had brought his and Drita’s daughter with him!

Surprise, surprise she wasn’t too freakin’ happy about it and our Staten Island lady has taken a hard-line via Facebook with a recent post that didn’t mince words. Drita usually shows her sweet side to her fans and started off with an apology and a hint of trouble:

She followed that post in which she received a ton of support from Mob Wives’ viewers with a little more solid confirm that she’s had it with Lee:

Our girl Drita is playing nice so far right? Well after she had a while to think about it she expressed her true feelings about the situation:

That’s more like it! I’m guessing Lee will have a bad day in the joint when he gets that little note. During that same season 1 finale Drita discussed divorcing Lee with an attorney but was worried about how he would react when he’s served papers. In a previous piece we wondered if Drita would be saying see-ya to Lee after he revealed that his prison stay would probably be longer than he first indicated. Maybe she isn’t so worried about leaving him now?

As a bonus here is Drita D. in an interview following the conclusion of Season 1. In this clip the always candid reality star discusses, among other things, her hopes for Season 2 and her regrets of not following through with a promising soccer career:

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